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New Year, New Beginnings

Happy New Year! I know beyond all doubt that 2015 is going to be the greatest year of my life!

This year will be filled with positive changes because I am totally committed to making it so. I love who I am, and equally love the new me I am creating for 2015.  This year I plan to do at least one thing every day that will move me closer to my goals. This is not me being full of myself, it’s what I have been slowly trying to incorporate into my life. I feel that positive affirmations keep me in a happy place and create positivity in my life. I can easily slip into old habits but I choose not to. I affirm my life every day, in order to create the future I desire. I make time to do the things I need and want to do. I am created by God and I know he wants me to become the best me. I believe that he has the power to give me all that I desire to be.


My eight-year-old daughter and I began this year with a bang! New Year, new look, new ways of doing good in this world. We can each contribute something good that will effect others positively. I know that my life is going in the right direction when I do something that serves others. It just feels right. I grew up with amazing parents that instilled this in me and I want to make sure my daughter gets the same message growing up. It feels much better giving than getting.

On New Year’s Eve, my daughter gave something very precious to her. She chopped off ten inches of her beautiful hair to donate to locks of love. It’s an organization that provides hairpieces to kids in the US and Canada suffering from long-term medical hair loss. For a little girl that really loved her long hair it was a great sacrifice. But we spoke about it extensively and she was growing it long for just this purpose.

Nevertheless, the actual act was difficult. I’ve never been so proud! I cried while she stood bravely at the hairstylists and got her ponytail chopped off. I asked her if she was OK and her response made me cry even more. She said, “Sure mommy, it’s no big deal it’s just hair. It will grow, I don’t mind looking like a boy to help another child feel better about themselves. It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make!”

Wow! That alone made my year! The minute we walked out of the place she looked at me and asked me how long it will take to grow her hair out again? She said, “I really hate my short hair but I guess I can take it for a while. I’ll grow it out super long next time so when I donate it again it won’t be so short!”

I have the best little girl in the world! She is beautiful both inside and out. She has a heart of gold. She is filled with goodness and compassion. I am so thankful for her. We are so blessed. She is the best gift we have ever received!

I wish you a beautiful,  blessed New Year.  Now get out and do something wonderful for someone else! It feels amazing.


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